Tuesday 24 May 2016

The Good, Bad And Ugly Among Bacteria....

Diagram of a bacteria
Bacteria are beneficial to humans because we found them useful in brewing industries, milk factories, Agriculture, pharmaceutical companies and they also aid digestion in human and livestock.  However among bacteria there are bad ones that aren’t beneficial to humans because they are responsible for various human diseases.
Talking about convicts among bacteria, this is simply in this context referring to those bacteria with exceptional abilities in resisting treatments especially with antibiotics which are expected to kill the bacteria.
Antibiotics are designed specifically for the treatment of bacteria causing various infections. There are different classes of antibiotics that are available commercially. Among these classes we have penicillin (e.g. ampicillin), aminoglycosides (e.g. gentamicin), fluoroquinolones (e.g. ciprofloxacin) to mention but few.
Before a bacteria can be termed multidrug resistance, it must be able to withstand 2 or more of the classes of antibiotics. Bacteria in this category are problematic because they often lead to treatment failures, recurrent infections, prolong hospital stay and financial burden.
These are the convicts among bacteria. They are medically important bacteria hence must be paid close attention to due to the amount of dangers they can cause. In subsequent series we shall be discussing them one after the other.
Tip. To avoid the multiplication of multidrug resistant bacteria, it is advisable to follow doctor’s prescription in taking antibiotics and avoid self-medication which is known to be among factors leading to development of resistant bacteria.
To be continued
About the author
Dr. Bamidele Odumosu is a Pharmaceutical Microbiologist in the department of Microbiology, University of Lagos Nigeria.

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